Sunday, April 10, 2011

Video Sunday

"Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri

This song is one of my new favorites. The video kind of creeps me out though. But I like it at the same time. Haha. I love songs that get back at loser heartbrokers! :)

I hope everyone's weekend is going great.

Today is going to be a complete family day for me. My 21 year old cousin, Andy, was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer. As some of you already know, I lost my 18 year old cousin, Matt, back in October due to suicide. So it's a really hard time for my family right now. I can't lose another cousin. One of my aunts flew in yesterday from Alabama to be here while my cousin begins chemotherapy, so we're all coming together today. We are hopeful that he will be okay. Testicular cancer runs in the family, but it was still a shocker for us because my cousin is very young. It just reminds me how important family is and that you need to cherish each other while you can.

Have a good Sunday!
Give everyone you love a hug today and tell them how important they are! :)



Kristi said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE this song. So perfect.

Louise said...

OMG I love this song!! thanks so much for sharing.

I'm really sorry to hear about your cousin :( that's awful news

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